I'm an old radio guy who used to listen to, admire and even be envious of Rush. It's nice to read something from one who knew him in radio, before the big time. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you, Todd. Glad you enjoyed it.

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Thank you for your story, Rosemary. Rush would have loved it.

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Great day, Dave - what a wonderful story.

I vividly recall the shock, surprise, and delight I felt the first time I heard Rush on a talk station in Ft. Wayne, IN on the very first day of his national debut (August 1, 1988).

It's a story that I wanted to call in to tell Rush for 32.5 years, but never did. So, I will write about it here on Substack soon and tag you on it.

I bet there are hundreds or 1000s of listener stories out there just waiting to be told. Thank you for publishing this.

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Thanks, Cork. I knew and worked with Rush long enough to know that his detractors are still a loud and profane army. I respect their political views but they didn't know the man or understand him. It's their right and their loss. Thank you for the positive response.

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I would often jokingly respond if somebody asked my politics that I was slightly to right of Rush Limbaugh.

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I was a conservative newspaper publisher. I spent many many lunch hours listening to El Rushbo.

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Being ftom Canada, I first heard Rush while staying st my cousin's house in LA. I immediately knew who he was. Her husband-now dead was a staunch conservative, as am I. And her a Dem, which I've tried to change, to no avail. So I didn't listen to Rush often outside of clips on social media, but being the daughter of a story teller, I appreciate your post. I laughed at, "Ueah, but we just saw it from the car."

I love radio and a good personality.

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I utterly sobbed the morning he died...but I will meet him when I get Home! Greatly missed.

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Rush, a true Master of the medium. I miss him so much…

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He was that and a terrific guy, too. Glad you enjoyed the essay.

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My brother was a big Rush fan and follower to the point he got obnoxious about it. Rush said, Rush this, Rush that. You have to understand, being from the Northwest Side of Chicago, big Dem country, my bro was the first to “transition”. How he hated Obama and would always infuse whatever Rush had to say on any given day. I’ve been wondering how he would have handled what is going on today if he were still around. I have this feeling he’s talking to me today.

Thanks Dave for the insights 😊

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Thank you, Ken. I'm glad you liked it.

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I met him when I was 13 just as he was starting to go national.

I've tried to explain to my kids what a game changer he was, how he felt dangerous and subversive almost.

We would record his show on tape cassettes (we were at school while he was on the air) and listen to them after school.

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Rush would have said he was the very opposite of subversive but I get it. Depends entirely on your perspective. But he had a lot of teen fans.

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19

I was living in Sacramento all during the years Rush was at KFBK and loved his show, yours too Dave because it was entertaining and that is the BIG thing I need to remember entertain the folks, Some people see me at the store and say I should tell more stories of those days gone by in the 60's and 70's

Funny ones or sad ones but real honest to God things I experienced, others tell me the music I play is great keep it up more music less talk. LOL so I will try to thread the needle

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